It was a joyful evening of “celebrating the past and building for tomorrow.” The Top of the Campus (Marriott Center) at UMass was standing room only, as founding members of Amherst ABC, Scholar graduates spanning the 50 years of the program, and a vast array of community members and supporters all gathered to recognize this […]
2019–2020 Scholars

Amherst A Better Chance welcomes two new scholars for the 2019-2020 school year! Ryan Mbugua is from Brockton, MA, and Joel Blandon is from The Bronx. We are confident they will be strong, contributing members of the Amherst ABC family.
Gospel Choir Concert: Tuesday, April 9th, 2019
To benefit Amherst A Better Chance (ABC) Grace Episcopal Church, Amherst April 9, 2019 7:30 p.m. Featuring: The Amherst Area Gospel Choir Amherst Regional High School Hurricane Singers The Gospel Choir at Amherst College Hampshire Young People’s Chorus Before the concert: Please gather with other ABC community friends and meet the ABC scholars at a […]
Save the date for our big 50th Anniversary gala!
Date: June 15th, 2019
Place: UMass Campus Center
For further information about the event including information about lodging, please contact us at
Congrats to the graduates!
Congratulations to our ABC/ARHS graduates, Honore and Jonathan! Bravo!!!! A good time was had by all who attended the graduation party picnic at the ABC House on Saturday, June 9th. Many thanks to Andrew’s Greenhouse (South Amherst) for lending us these beautiful hanging baskets to decorate the ABC House for graduation weekend.
ABC Alum Receives Prestigious Award!

At a conference celebrating its 10-year anniversary, the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to Amherst ABC alum Michael Weekes (’71). Michael is the President and CEO of the Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers. He lives in Longmeadow and is a member of the Board of Directors of Amherst A Better Chance. Congratulations, […]
The Black Joy Project

Kleaver Cruz (ABC and ARHS Class of 2007) is on a mission to fill social media with as many uplifting images of black people as possible. Kleaver, a 27-year-old New York-based writer and organizer, started The Black Joy Project after he realized that personal matters and the taxing fight to affirm black lives and protest […]
Thank you, Mi Tierra!
A big shout-out to the Mi Tierra restaurant in Hadley! The ABC fundraising event there was a huge success. Thanks also to all the ABC friends in the community who dined there (great food!) and celebrated Amherst ABC. It was a terrific party! Mi Tierra donated ALL the profits from dinner that night — a total […]
Thanks to all our supporters for another successful Fall Foliage Walk/Run

Our annual Fall Foliage event, held on October 15th, was a great success thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our walkers and runners, the enormous generosity of our donors and sponsors, and the on-going support of the Amherst community. The sunshine and brilliant colors of the autumn leaves certainly added to the luster of the […]
New Resident Directors at the ABC House

We are delighted that Sid and Isabel Ferreira are the new Resident Directors at the ABC House. Sid and Isabel are surely familiar to many of you. Long-standing and outstanding members of the Amherst community, Sid and Isabel exemplify the ideals of the ABC program through their lives of service and commitment to social justice. […]